Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

Friendships are important for mental health
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on

People will come in and out of our lives, but friendships last a lifetime. Remember that when you find someone who shares your interests, shares your concerns; it’s easy to say we found a true friend!

Friendship is one of the most important aspects of life. It’s what gets you through the tough times, and it’s the happy memories that make life worth living. However, friendships are fragile things; they can be broken with a single word or moment if you allow them to. That is why it’s so important to take care of your friendships; nurture them like plants in a garden and keep an eye on their needs for water and sunlight. A little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to friendship!

Friendships are more than just words said once but forgotten later on – they’re lifelong bonds that need nurturing every day! Make sure you always have time for your friends and be there for them when they need you. Don’t let the busyness of life get in the way of your friendships; schedule time to catch up and chat, or even just send a quick text to let them know you’re thinking of them.

Friendships are one of the most important things in life, so don’t take them for granted. Make time for friends and you’ll have friendships that will last a lifetime!

Friendships are important for mental health

Friendships are incredibly important for our mental health. They provide us with a support system, someone to talk to when we’re feeling down, and someone who can make us laugh when we need it most. Friends help us to feel connected and supported, which is essential for our well-being.

Some friendships are more beneficial than others. Strong friendships, particularly those where we can confide in each other and trust the other person to be a good listener, come from sharing common interests and similar personalities.

In contrast, friendships with acquaintances generally aren’t as beneficial for our mental health. Not only do they lack the same level of intimacy, but friendships with acquaintances are also based on very different characteristics. The friendships you make in college or work, aren’t necessarily useful for supporting your mental health, especially if you don’t see them often outside of school hours or the workplace environment.

Friendships that follow us into adulthood can be incredibly important to our mental health because we’ve built a foundation of trust and mutual respect. These friendships often last because we’ve invested time and effort into nurturing them, rather than just letting them drift along.

It’s important to have friendships that we can rely on for support – friendships that are there for us through the good times and the bad times. When we’re feeling down, friendships should be our go to source of comfort and support, not something we feel hesitant about approaching.

Friendships that are based on common interests and similar personalities can nurture us in many ways. By spending time with friends who share your passions or hobbies, you’ll have fun exploring them together and strengthening friendships at the same time!

Friendships can help prevent depression

According to a study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, having a large network of friends is associated with a lower risk of depression. This is likely because friendships provide us with positive social support, which is crucial for our mental health.

Friendships are good for our physical health

Photo by cottonbro on

Not only are friendships good for our mental health, but they’re also good for our physical health as well! A study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes showed that friendships can actually have a protective effect on your cardiovascular health. This is likely because friendships provide us with levels of help and support, which have been shown to reduce stress levels. Friendships really are good for us!

Given this, friendships outside of intimate relationships can also give us some kind of benefit. They’re not as beneficial or close as friendships where we have a deep level of intimacy, but they can still provide some level of social support and reduce stress levels to an extent.

Sometimes close relationships are too close, and it’s not always possible to share some problems when our spouse or partner is having problems too.

Friendships outside of a relationship, marriage, or when cohabiting are necessary to help with our wellbeing and can fill that empty space that is sometimes left when a spouse or partner isn’t always there for us.

Nurturing and maintaining friendships

Friendships are important because they offer us social support, which is crucial for our well-being. However, friendships are also important because they help us to connect with other people. When we move away from our friends or when their social circles change, it can be difficult to stay in touch.

Although it may be difficult, it’s important to try to stay in touch with friends who have moved away. Not only will you be able to catch up on what’s been happening in their lives, but you’ll also be strengthening the friendship.

Don’t let distance get in the way

It’s also important to try to maintain friendships with people who have changed their social circles, as this can be a sign that the friendship is strong and has withstood the test of time.

It may be difficult to make new friendships when you’re not as close with your old friends, but it’s worth trying to maintain those friendships for the sake of your wellbeing.

And finally…

Friendships are a wonderful source of comfort and support that can provide us with benefits that we sometimes don’t realise until they’re gone. Whether friendships provide us with social support, the ability to overcome depression and other mental health problems, friendships can also help reduce stress levels and make us more resilient to downturns in our fortunes. And if you were wondering, the quotation that became the title of this blog was courtesy of former First Lady and wife of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Smart words indeed!

Stay in contact with those that you love, and with those that love you.

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8 Comments Add yours

  1. cheriewhite says:

    Awesome post, Matt! True friends are hard to find and once you find your tribe, you must nurture and grow the relationships through togetherness, support, and kindness. And true friends always have our backs during all sorts of weather and tell us what we need to hear when we need it. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. cheriewhite says:

    With your permission, I’d like to reblog this because there are so many who need to read this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please reblog! If you think people would appreciate hearing this message, spread it far and wide!


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      1. cheriewhite says:

        Thank you so much, Matt. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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